2 minute read

Socially connected while physical distancing

Nancy Knowlton | President and CEO of Nureva Inc.
Posted by Nancy Knowlton | President and CEO of Nureva Inc. on Jun 15, 2020 4:00:00 PM
Socially connected while physical distancing

Can we all agree that we are going to call it physical distancing? Not social distancing.

Like many new things, the expression “social distancing” got thrown out there, and before we knew it, everyone was using it. It was kind of catchy, the two words sounded good together – and so it caught on.

But if we take a moment to consider what the two words mean when used together, very quickly we conclude that this is not at all what the phrase was intended to convey.

People crave human contact. We’re social beings. We like and need to be connected to others – we need social connections.

  In the age of COVID-19,   where so many of us have been confined to our homes, away from our work colleagues, separated from our friends and families (except those friends and family members we usually live with), we know the difference between social and physical distancing. We’re not going out to restaurants and bars to share time and meals. We don’t get together in the same spaces for work or meetings. We don’t go to concerts or sporting events. These are all of the physical separation measures that the health authorities have promoted to keep us from unintentionally infecting each other while they work to get the pandemic under control.

On a social level, we’re using video to connect for work and with friends and family. Whether it’s Microsoft® Teams or Zoom for work or Houseparty outside of work, we’re working hard to keep our social connections alive. We’re bridging the physical distance with technologies to keep us socially connected.

Social distancing video call

As much as physical separation is designed to keep us from contracting the virus, we need social connections to keep us mentally and emotionally healthy. Now is not the time to be socially distant from friends, family and coworkers. We need to do all we can to keep those connections alive and thriving until we can again connect face to face for coffee, walks, meals, meetings and more.

So, let’s all agree that we’re socially connected while physical distancing.

Is the huddle room dead?

Read a thought-provoking post by Nancy Knowlton about how COVID-19 may affect the huddle room.

Read now


Topics: Hybrid work